Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A divine rivalry

As each sweet note floated from the orchestra, Antonio Salieri felt his heart breaking.   The composition was perfect; each note was flawlessly arranged and perfectly layered upon each other.The mastery Amadeus possessed was something, Salieri could not have achieved in a thousand lifetimes. From its title, it would appear that Peter Shaffer’s play Amadeus is about the gifted composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, yet the story is truly that of Antonio Salieri, court composer to the empire of Austria, the most successful young musician in the city of musicians.When Salieri first hears Mozart’s music, it sets him on a different path than the one he intended.   He says, â€Å"I had heard the voice of God-and that it issued from a creature whose own voice I had also heard-and it was the voice of an obscene child.† (19)It is his jealousy of Mozart’s gift and his feelings of mediocrity that lead to both men’s downfall.   A comparison of both characters will illustrate that despite Salieri’s attempt to live a virtuous life; his desire to destroy Mozart in a divine war prevailed over his devotion to God and his music.Comparing several aspects of the two men’s lives, their devotion, careers, the role of women, and the public versus private nature of their actions, and the madness that consumes them both will demonstrate the similarities that existed between the rivals.Both Salieri and Mozart are men of devotion. The     link is their music. Salieri believes that music is â€Å"God’s art† (7) and uses his gift to serve God.   Salieri had promised to lead a chaste life in order to honor God and he feels God betrays him by blessing Mozart with such talent.Throughout his life, he has done his best to remain virtuous and yet in his mind God has shown him that he is mediocre and has bestowed a gift upon a man he feels is morally inferior.In Act I, Scene 12 he declares his war on God, saying â€Å"From thi s time on we are enemies.†   Mozart’s life of devotion was also to music. He shares his feelings on music and the divine with Salieri, â€Å"I bet you that’s how God hears the world.   Millions of sounds ascending at once and mixing in His ear to become an unending music, unimaginable to us.† (57)However, Mozart’s devotion isn’t purely celestial.   He is also extremely devoted to his father.   He served his father’s wishes, even waiting to be married.   It is Salieri who convinces him to ignore them and marries Constanze.   When Leopold dies, Salieri counsels the grieving Mozart who feels as if his lifestyle was a betrayal against his father. Mozart says, â€Å"He watched me for all my life and I betrayed him.† (69)  Salieri seizes this moment, convincing Mozart he has his best interest at hear and telling Mozart he will help him find work while undermining him at every attempt.   Now having won his trust, Salier i convinces him that he should write his vaudeville The Magic Flute based on his association with The Freemasons.Knowing this is Mozart’s’ last tie to society, he realizes how this will ultimately ruin the man.   His shattered faith leads him to such a drastic choice and Mozart is helpless in his plot.Appearance plays a role in both Salieri’s and Mozart’s life. Salieri initially lived less extravagantly, whereas Mozart flaunted his wealth and success often living above his means.   Once Salieri reigns himself to his jealousy, he too becomes consumed in flaunting his wealth denying his taste for â€Å"plain things.†Ã‚   Schaffer comments on Mozart’s appearance throughout the play.Through the stage directions, he tells us Mozart was a small, pallid, large-eyed man in a showy wig and a showy set of clothes.† As Salieri’s story progresses, Mozart’s clothing becomes more and more garish in Salieri’s eye.   As Moza rt’s life slowly unravels, his clothing becomes shabby and less important. Throughout the play Salieri has condemned Mozart for what he will ultimately become.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Argo and Casablanca – Main Characters Comparison

Both Tony and Rick are faced with a dilemma throughout Argo and Casablanca, respectively. They catch themselves getting more and more involved with the escape plan, and then their emotional connection leads to altruistic actions. Both Argo and Casablanca have a scene that underscores these characters transitions. On the first movie Mendez, have a heated up conversation with his boss on the phone, while on the other movie, Blaine points a gun at an official.Up to this part, the characters were very cold, and professional, however, after it they become attached to the people that are being saved. On one side, the scene selected in Argo focuses on: camera proximity and movement, decor and framing. On the other side, the scene selected in Casablanca focuses on: soundtrack, camera movement and positioning, and on and off screen space. The camera proximity and camera movement in Argo, emphasizes the characters reactions, by always showing the character with the strongest reaction.It is not iceable that the camera zooms in Tony as soon as he is alone in the room, and is kept that close to him until the end; his supervisor only has one close-up shot, while the camera spins around him, it is when he is explaining the new changes in CIA’s operation, and for the rest of the scene, the camera captures Jack O’Donnell through medium/close-up shots, finishing with a medium shot of him breaking a cup on his table. The camera is handheld on Mendez’ shots, creating a more personal, and emotional perception of the character, while the zoom highlights his reactions and creates tension to the scene as whole.The steady shots of Jack are calmer, and more impersonal, making him look more professional, and less emotive. The framing plays an important role on this sequence. Both Tony and Jack are placed on the right side of the screen at first, with Tony changing sides on the frame only when he states that he and his boss are responsible for the people they are tryin g to save. The right side of the screen is reserved for when the characters are more impersonal and professional, while the left side of the screen is used only when Tony explicitly becomes emotionally attached.Decor and lighting differentiate the perception of each space used on the scene. In the house located in Iran, the lighting is darker because the scene is slightly underexposed, which helps create a low-key effect, while warm colors dominate the location. This assists on the creation of a more intimate environment, just like a house should be. On the other side of the world, in CIA’s headquarters, O’Donnell’s office receives natural lighting from its window, which illuminates a blue wall as well as a typewriter of the same color, making this space look like a professional location, analogous to a typical workplace.In Casablanca, the camera positioning and movement play an important part too. However, the positions and movement are broader, ranging from lo ng shots to close-ups and from static positioning to panning around the location; different angles are used as well. Long shots in addition to panning introduce the area that will be used throughout the scene, which are the Cafe’s bar, and its entrance, that is seen from both the inside and outside.Another panning, more noticeable than the others, is the one that shows Renault spying on the other characters from Rick’s office; the camera pans in a diagonal fashion from the upper right, where the officer is hidden, to the lower left, the spot where the three other character are and also the place where the rest of the sequence takes place. Racking focus is used when Major Strasser’s subordinate opens his office’s door; the focus quickly changes between the man and his superior. A low angle is used when the official says that Laszlo is under arrest, which aggrandizes the captain.In this scene, mood and tension is accomplished mainly by soundtrack and sound effects instead of dialogue, in comparison to Argo’s selected scene, which does exactly the opposite. At first, when Rick is talking to Ilsa, the song â€Å"As Time Goes By† plays on the background as a motif, creating intimacy between them, and as Victor joins them, the song transforms for a brief moment, suddenly disappearing when Renault, in the same shot as aforementioned in the last paragraph, surprises the Resistance hero, thus producing tension.To increase tension even further, a sound effect is used when Rick points his gun at Louis, and his voice is heard off-screen, until the camera tilts towards his face. The soundtrack is back before long, and its purpose now is to underscore tension as Renault makes the phone call. In terms of formal elements, Casablanca’s selected sequence relates more to the rest of the movie than does Argo’s, because only the editing and mise-en-scene aspects are kept the same through the picture, the sound and cinematogra phy are an exception to the rule.Casablanca brands its mise-en-scene and cinematography with relatively spacious locations, and the camera helps to manifest it by using wide angled lens on top of long-shots. Lighting is often the standard three-point scheme, and it kept fixed on most reaction shots. Men are always formally dressed, while Ilsa changes between three different outfits and the cinematography is widely characterized by the use of straight-on angles, to maintain neutrality towards characters, with the exception of a few low shots, which raises some characters’ power.Long shots are predominant on the beginning of scenes, and medium shots, showing two or more people in a group, soon substitute it; close-ups are used mostly for reaction shots. Camera movement includes everything, but handheld and aerial shots. Wide-angle lenses are the favorite in this motion picture. The editing and sounds, follows Hollywood’s standards, always consist of an establishing shot on the beginning of each new scene, introduced by a dissolve from the previous scene’s last shot, and a shot/reverse shot when characters are talking.Usually the rhythm happens on a medium speed. The diegetic sounds prevails, and are easily noticed, they include: most of the music heard on Rick’s Cafe, background noises and sound effects of all sorts, and dialogues. The start of both Argo and Casablanca are almost the same, a narration in addition to various dissolves, introduces rapidly where the films will take place and also a point on history, the only difference is that Casablanca uses a globe, while Argo utilizes the sketches of the fake movie.In Argo, only the editing and mise-en-scene relates to the chosen sequence and the rest of the movie. The main locations are six: Los Angeles, the Central Intelligence Agency’s headquarters, the Iranian house, Iran’s streets, the airport/airplane, and the US embassy on the opening of the movie; and each of the m has its own rhythm and amounts of tension, with the ones located in United States having the longest takes with less direct tension and the ones in Iran’s outdoors being the most tense ones and with the shortest takes.The connection between the countries is made with the repetitive use of cross cutting on some sequences. Continuity practically does not exist on the chosen sequence, but does on the rest of the motion picture. Most of the lighting is supposed to be natural. The costumes are typical of each character’s home country. The editing strongly relates to Casablanca by using Hollywood's standards, like dissolve between scenes, shot/reverse shot during conversations.Cinematography is very different among scenes, and uses all of the possibilities. The scene selected is the only one with a handheld camera with shots focusing on only one character; the other uses for this technique always include groups of people. Aerial shots are also included throughout the movie , in contrast with Casablanca that has none. The camera is always on the eye-level of the shortest character being shown. Close-ups are equally used to show reactions and details, with more camera movement on the last.Sound use is somewhat more complex in Argo, with many off-screen and voice over sounds, like when a conversation is held over the phone or background noises for instance. However, for all the other sections Casablanca and Argo are very similar. Tony and Rick are exclusively professional characters, both of them possess a high social position, and are financially stable, they also enjoy desired political positions among their peers, and neither display signs of emotional attachment to others, until the selected scene on each movie.After it, both characters start to be perceived as warmer people, who are still able to be, in their own ways, part of intimate relationships. As the pictures get closer to their ends, Mendez and Blaine are not seen exclusively as professional s anymore, but as more altruistic persons, the CIA’s agent also boosts his social, and political, position by receiving an award, while the Cafe’s owner earns respect from the couple and the corrupt official.In the end, it is easily acknowledged that both movies are more similar than different, with a special call for their plot, beginning, development of main character, and major formal elements. The differences, if evaluated properly, are almost none, and are all hidden among small details. Coincidentally or not, Michael Curtiz has a quote that applies appropriately to both Tony and Rick when they become emotionally attached to the hostages and the couple, respectively; the quote is â€Å"The only things you regret are the things you don’t do. †

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Study of Fauvism

A Study of Fauvism Fauvism For artists, the twentieth century began five years late. Late it might have been, but when it got going, it was decades ahead of its time. In 1905 nothing was as modern as modern art. It was to remain that way throughout the century. There are many people who still fail to understand the art introduced in 1905, over seventy years ago. That first modern art appeared in an exhibition in Paris in 1905. Among the participating artists was one of the centurys most famous, Hentri Matisse. Along with Matisses art were works by Maurice de Vlaminck, Andre Derain, and Georges Rouault. Today the works of these artists hang in museums, but in 1905 they werent yet famous. To the public they were infamous. Their paintings were so shocking that one newspaper critic called them the work of Fauves a French word meaning wild beasts. The name stuck so that all the artists who exhibited in that 1905 show were ever after called Fauves and their paintings were dubbed Fauve art. The name Fauve was given to the art of Matisse, Vlaminck, and their colleagues, even though they didnt work with a common principle. And, as years passed, their personal art changed. Paintings done by some at the end of their careers little resembled those done at the beginning. Still, the name. Fauve continued to be used. These were the pioneering artists of the twentieth century and their art, Fauve painting, was the pioneering movement of our century. Theory The fauve artists had no single or unifying principle of art. Perhaps that was necessary for the centurys pioneering movement. Their one basic theory was experimentation. Thats what shocked the 1905 French Public. Their art was so experimental that it resembled nothing gallery visitors had ever seen before. Fauve art doesnt seem so radical today. Thats because their interest in experimentation became the guiding principle of almost all twentieth century art movements. Experimentation in art has meant discovering new types of visual expression. It can be the general theory guiding all the art projects you try in this book. It was originally a fauve principle. However, if most twentieth-century art movements have been guided by experimentation, those experiments have been controlled by further theories. The leading Fauve theoretician was Henri Matisse. His colleagues followed many of his ideas, and his thoughts about art inspired many twentieth-century art developments. To gain an understanding of Fauve art, you can do no better then examine the art and ideas of Matisse. Nor can you find any better guide for developing your own art. Here is what Matisse once said about his art. Expression is what Im seeking most of all however, expression doesnt mean the passion which a human face reflects. The total composition of my painting is expressive. My arrangement of figures or objects, the empty spaces surrounding them, their proportions, everything has its roll to play. Except for Georges Roualt, most Fauve painters followed Matisse and sought expression with the total painting, the total subject. This isnt a simple goal. Its one achieved only after much time and thought. Studying the work of Matisse can help you understand Fauve expression in art. Matisse expressed himself with line. He did this by simplifying the line in his work. This meant eliminating unnecessary lines and using only the most important. These were, of course, the lines that created the shape of his subjects, not the lines that defined details. He wasnt interested in linear details. In short, he simplified his drawing. But simplified drawing doesnt mean you will automatically produce expressive lines in your art. Simplification can mean producing nothing more than a simple but disjointed sketch. More is required. Matisse and his Fauve friends did it by creating rhythmic lines. His lines swing easily, curve and twist like a melody. Matisse created such expressive lines in painting like The Dance. The joy of dance requires lines with lovely rhythm. He eliminated details. In the essential lines that remained, he created graceful bends and flowing curves, lines swinging with the delight of dancing. The Fauves also expressed themselves in color. They understood that color was essential to painting. They didnt feel color should be dominated by subject matter. This means their use of color wasnt dictated by realism. Instead, color could stand on its own. Fauve artists intensified their colors, using bright flesh colors, pinks oranges, and reds for faces. They created shadows of bright colors. In one famous painting, Matisse painted a green stripe down the face of his wifes portrait. He used green because it was the strongest color contrast to the reddish tone of the painting. In such painting, you notice the color before you notice the subject. Such a bold use of color doesnt mean you can color without thinking. In fact, you must be even more careful with color in such a case. A realistic artist who uses color poorly can claim his inadequate colors only copy the poor coloring of his subject. However, Fauve artists couldnt do this. Their bold coloring was of their own choice so they had to be especially sensitive to the use of color they used in their art. Thats why color is such an important ingredient in Fauve art. When you create art in the spirit of Fauve painters, you too will be very conscious of your use of color. You will also be conscious of your use of line. When thinking like a Fauve artist, youll experiment. Like Matisse, youll seek expression in your art in the way you use line and color. Youre line will be simplified and your color diverse from realism. Yet your lines will have beauty and expression because youll give them rhythm and grace. Your colors will be beautiful, because youll treat them intelligently and with sensitivity. Thats how the Fauve artist worked when producing some of the greatest paintings of 20th century art.

Systems of Association Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Systems of Association - Assignment Example The company’s failure is believed to have been caused by the continued reliance on glory achieved during its years of success and the way in which the company responded to the new competition (Sull 352). Sull argues that failure to respond effectively to the new technology and competition caused the company’s failure. Firestone began experiencing rivalry in the mid 1960s, whereby its competitors had an ambition to restructure the tire market industry. They joined the market by introducing radial tires and achieved positive response. Statistics show that one million units were sold each year for almost five years (Olson and Levi 391). Their accomplishment is attributed to their mode of advertising whereby they ensured the right information reached their target markets. Their marketing policy involved promotions and presenting that the innovated tires had a longer life, improved safety and were considerably cheap. On the other hand, Firestone decided to restructure their tires into radial ones (Sull 360). Their decision was based on that complete transfer to the new technology would result to enormous investment. This decision resulted to accelerating activities in their past success. According to Professor Sull, the history of success acquired in the late 1960s turned out to be its greatest enemy, hence, its downfall. The article â€Å"Battles in the Seattle† aimed at clarifying the important nature of political expression that creates success in trans-nationalization of social movements. It also verified that protests do not always bring forth the expected results. In fact, strikes can provoke contradicting measures. According to the article, workers in Seattle have demonstrated thrice striking in 1919, 1934, and 1999. In 1919, a strike in the Seattle city caused a five-day shutdown of the city (Olson and Levi 389). In 1934, a group of protesters caused the closure of several cities among them Seattle and Tacoma (Olson and Levi 392). These battles had similar objectives, which revolved around better conditions for workers in the Seattle region. It is essential to note that the workers involved in the 1999 strike meant for a peaceful demonstration. However, intervention from an unknown group of people caused the government to turn the Seattle streets into police war grounds. The police demanded peace by using teargas, rubber bullets, pepper sprays and other items like grenades (Olson and Levi 399). In all the battles, a group of people demonstrated against the World Trade Organizations. Nevertheless, the strike was considered a failure and a waste of time since the workers did not achieve their goals. The strike ended without recognition of their demands that included bargains for salaries, improved work conditions, and benefits. According to a number of critics, the strike planners and leaders lacked an objective and an identifiable program for the five-day strikes. The leaders in all the strikes embarked on using sim ilar ways as used in the previous ones. Just like the failure experienced by the Firestone Company, the workers strike failed. Their failure can be attributed to the dependence of already used strategies. Firestone had experienced continued success with their methods of marketing and were not willing to adapt new ones. In my opinion, remaining with the already successful

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Western Art History Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Western Art History - Coursework Example There is also a hint of red pigment on the statue that leads us to believe that it is representative of childbirth.1 The women of this culture were, most likely, revered for their ability to have children. While the Two Worshippers, which were carved to represent the local citizens, were left inside the temple to keep continual prayer vigilance to the god Abu.2 In the end, whether the statue represents a fertility goddess or a person, religion has been prevalent in some form throughout time. Though the various cultures may change, as well as the religious beliefs and rituals, time shows us that religion will always be there. Khafra Enthroned and the Seated Scribe come from two different periods of time in Egyptian Art. Both Kafra and the scribe seem to be seated in different positions. King, or pharaoh, Khafra is wearing similar style clothing to the scribe however it seems that Khafra’s clothing is more elegant than the scribe’s clothing. Clothing is one way of social position. The higher class citizens and royalty wore finer more elegant garments while the other social classes wore clothing that was of much less refinement. Like the clothing upon the statues of King Menkaure and Queen and Ni-ka-re, his wife, and their daughter, Khafra Enthroned shows that kings reveled in power and luxury. All the Egyptian works of art showed great detail when it came to the human form. From the placement of the eyes on the head to the curves on a woman’s body, these sculptures show the importance of the craft taken by the Egyptian sculptors.3 The two works I chose for case studies are from the Hellenistic Greek era of art, Aphrodite from Melos and Battle of Issus (Alexander Mosaic). I chose these works since I like the Ancient Greek works of art. For the sculpture Aphrodite from Melos (More famously known as Venus of Milo), I used the online book

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Potential reasons for the increase of gas prices Essay

Potential reasons for the increase of gas prices - Essay Example It is not believed by everyone, but it is a fact that the total quantity of crude oil is not utilized for the production of gasoline. Gasoline is produced by converting only fifty-one percent of an oil barrel. Subsequently, heating oil, jet fuel, refinery gas, and a number of other oil products are produced by rest of the oil barrel. In the result, the role of a high demand commodity is played by the oil, and as oil is not produced by most of the countries, import of oil has been a regular and necessary practice in most parts of the world. (Jaffe, pp. 23-25, 2006) This also results in the increase in the high prices of the oil and gas around the globe. Thus, fluctuation of prices can vary due to the demand and supply of different countries in a global oil and gasoline market. For instance, a flourishing economy has been represented by China, which has resulted in its high requirement of oil, as compared to its oil and gas requirement in the previous years. In the result, crude oil becomes shortage due to an increment in its global demand, and consequently, gasoline, jet fuel, lubricants, and prices of similar products become high. Therefore, increase in the demand of oil in a stabilized and economical country can affect the price of gasoline in other countries of the world. Thus, fluctuation of oil demand and supply is another potential factor that results in the higher prices of gasoline and other oil products in different regions of the planet.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Applying objectives Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Applying objectives - Assignment Example For example, small business will focus primarily in, marketing, customer care, employee retention, growth and core values. With marketing, the business firm will understand the consumer buying trends hence they become able to anticipate the distribution needs of products and develop relevant business partnerships. Secondly, noble customer service enables the firm to retain her clientele and generate more of repeat revenue. Next, employee retention would be of essence since employee turn over costs lots of money. The money incurred in recruitment and productivity. Moreover, growth will equally be a prime objective in small businesses since and core values will also help state the beliefs of the company in terms of employee satisfaction, costumer interaction, responsibility the society excreta. On the other hand, mega business enterprises would prioritize different objectives such as; profitability, productivity, maintains financing, competitive analysis and change management. Profitab ility will ensure that the profits or revenue is above the costs incurred. Productivity Coca-Cola company business being a mega business enterprise will prioritize customer retention, competitive analysis and productivity as its major objectives. The efficiency of the machines of production, the level of customer retention through situational analysis can be evaluated in measuring these goals. Some of the types of outsourcing are BPO and KPO. In business process outsourcing deals with outsourcing of a particular product such as a payroll while knowledge based processing entails carrying out standard processes to the clientele. The latter is more effective because it addresses the extramural needs of the consumer. BPO is advantageous because it gives opportunity o employment. It equally has disadvantageous because it impedes creativity. On the other hand, KPO is advantageous because it gives room for innovation and learning through

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Advantages of the constitutional system of the United States Essay

Advantages of the constitutional system of the United States - Essay Example Such anomaly in law can be answered only when there is a practical guide who helps identify the basis of all laws formulated. Being a developed country, there is bound to be a shift in government from time to time. In contrast to a monarchy, it ensures that there is change in the ruling government after every fixed period. However, each government has its own notions and ways of working. Therefore, whenever there is a shift in government, the policies which it follows is bound to change and as such new legislation is introduced time and again. This poses a great threat to the American population, because the â€Å"greatest good for the greatest number† theory is bound to hurt somebody’s rights and interests. To jeopardize even a single person’s rights is to question a whole systematized form of governance. To check this illegal infringement, the constitution in its written form is a policing authority which safeguards the extent of change that can be brought about. Whatever is a written word is not easily erased off the face of an independent nation’s bill of rights. To be written is to be laid and accepted. To alter any such stance any individual or body will need to follow due procedure followed by law. This entails a lot of questions and answers about the new alterations, making the entire procedure tedious and hectic and thus affording no scope for unnecessary intrusion. Being a world power, the US will in all probability have one form of tiff with one country or another from time to time. The written constitution helps define the extent of the rights recognized by such state and limits of both national as well as state authority. The constitution holds the authority and declares the United States as a republic, free from all encumbrances of any sort. This means that it gives to its people a free form of government where citizens are free to elect as well

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Professional Articles Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Professional Articles Review - Essay Example In my discussion, I also provide a connection to today’s educational practice provided in each of these articles. The first article talks about adoption of an appropriate ELL program that would promote English learning among the students who do not have English as their first language. This article talks about the five-program models, which are English-language monolingual program, English-monolingual-plus ESL program, Transitional bilingual educational program, Maintenance bilingual education program, and structured immersion program (Hanigsfeld, 2009). The article also talks about how these programs were used in promoting English language learning among ELL students and also gives the situations in which each of the programs was applicable. This article also introduces another set of four programs that can be used with students who have ELL status. According to Hanigsfeld (2009), these programs are structured English immersion program, English as a second language program, b ilingual education program and dual language program. The programs have been more applicable and practiced in our today’s educational practices compared to the previously mentioned programs. ... The second article talks about some of the strategies adopted by different state to overcome challenges encountered in giving instructions to ELL students. The article starts by talking about the challenge of equitable education for ELLs and how it result due to practices that privilege some groups. According to this article, equitable education for ELLs should incorporate understandable language and curriculum that offers a variety of cultural perspectives as well as offering opportunities for parents to participate in the learning process of their children (Smith, 2008). It continues to talk about the instructional considerations for ELLs that can promote English language proficiency among ELL students. The article continues to talk about a case of the state of Massachusetts in which it talks about how diversity among ELLs in this state has made the task of instituting policies and practices to be rather more complex. In terms of instruction delivery to ELLs, the article talks abou t the use of Sheltered English instruction as a major way of promoting English language proficiency among ELL students. According Smith (2008), this kind of instructions are given in three main ways which include â€Å"sheltered† content instruction, English as a Second Language instruction, and bilingual (native language) instruction. The lesson created using these sets of instructions are always tailored towards the specific needs of English Language Learners’ needs. The article also talks about various training that has been done to the teachers in various stated to give them the capacity to give these kind of instructions to ELL students and also the kind of training that is yet to be done. The article shows that this kind of approach has been very applicable in today’s

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Leadership Journal Performance Appraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership Journal Performance Appraisal - Essay Example In performance management, the most important part includes conducting performance appraisals of the employees by their supervisors. The current discourse hereby aims to reflect on performance appraisals in one’s work setting, including any participation in a 360-degree evaluation. Performance Appraisals Received In the capacity of a registered nurse with a Nursing and Rehabilitation Health Care Facility, one has definitely received performance appraisals from one’s supervisor. It was acknowledged that performance appraisals are meant to assess and evaluate the actual performance of individuals against the pre-determined targets. These processes also serve the function of aligning individuals’ goals with organizational objectives, and therefore provide a direction to individuals’ actions; performance appraisals help in setting the right expectations from individuals. As such, it was confirmed that the appraisal has been connected to the strategic plan of t he health care facility; as well as to the nursing unit. Connection to Strategic Plan The connection of the performance appraisal to the strategic plan of the facility; as well as to the objectives of the nursing unit is definitely advantageous both to the organization and to me, as a nurse. Performance appraisals provided the needed inputs by decision makers in the health care facility with regards to human resource requirements, salary adjustments, and the employees’ attitudes and abilities through feedback mechanisms integrated within the performance appraisal (PA) system. Advantage of Connection to Strategic Plan In terms of the benefits to nurses, these performance appraisals clearly show how efficient we are in fulfilling our responsibilities and in conforming to standards of health care. For instance, we have to ensure safety of the patients at all times; no medication errors; focus on customer satisfaction through high quality patient care. Through performance results , we are apprised on our abilities to achieve standards and objectives within a defined time frame and with minimum complaints or errors. These become the basis for promotions and salary increases. This PA model is very similar to many other behavior-based models that have been extremely successful in the healthcare organizations, as pointed out by Chandra and Frank (2004). Likewise, the current system is corroborated in a recent empirical study in Nigerian organization which indicated that such strategic management of performance by linking performance appraisal to career progression and employee participation will enhance the employee’s commitment towards the job and the organization (Abdulkadir, Isiaka & Adedoyin, 2012). Participation in 360-Degree Evaluation A very successful and famous PA method is the 360-degree feedback process which reportedly involves receiving feedback from various people working with the employee directly or indirectly. Accordingly, the process hel ps individuals to understand various perspectives which other stakeholders hold about themselves with respect to their peers, customers, clients, and shareholders (Weiss & Kolberg, 2004). As a nurse, one had been a participant in the 360-degree process through being informed of the results of one’s performance appraisal and by relaying personal comments and inputs on the assessment. One strongly believes that the inputs provided are instrumental for leaders and decision makers to

Trying to Succeed in Limited War Essay Example for Free

Trying to Succeed in Limited War Essay Limited war as an ideology depended on a number of assumptions that limited what results could be achieved at the practical level. The standing rules of engagement (ROE) were the practical expression of limited war ideology at the battlefield command and execution level. Think expansively and generatively about the impact of limited war ideology and then discuss these questions with other students: †¢Within the concept of limited war, what would constitute the winning of the Vietnam War? †¢What sort of successful outcomes would measure the win? †¢How would we ever know if we had won it? And then, what was the glue that held the limited war concept together with all its difficulties of thought and application? Answer: Limited warfare called for the gradual application of economic and military assistance, diplomatic pressure, covert operations, and military force at the site of insurrections (Moss, 2010). During the Vietnam War, winning was waged based on lives lost on either side of the war. Based on this, the US was ahead in less lives lost. Truthfully, ending the war with a free and independent South Vietnam would have constituted a true win. According to Moss (2010), a major reason that the war was not won is due to the US reliance on conventional strategy against adversaries who employed unconventional war strategies that enabled them to fight a protracted war and avoid defeat at the hands of a much more powerful army (p. 164). Reference: Moss, G. (2010). Vietnam, an American ordeal. (6th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458: Prentice Hall

Monday, July 22, 2019

Performance Management Plan Essay Example for Free

Performance Management Plan Essay I have been gathering information to help analyze your business and to assist in giving you recommendations based on the business strategy you have compiled to increase performance of the employees and business. I will be looking at several objectives to help with the performance plan that your company will use to identify any area of improvement and to enhance on the areas of expertise. I understand that your expectations are as follows, Landslide Limousine will be at a negative $50,000 for the first year with the expectation of a growth of 5% over two years, and you are planning to have 25 employees with a turnover rate of 10%. To assist in explaining the plan I have in mind, I will break the plan into different subject topics for you to follow, and give explanations as well. A. Aligning performance to the business strategy When considering performance it is necessary to incorporate some type of performance appraisal program within the organization. This serves as a tool for the employees to work toward, with the proper appraisal program the employee will feel a since of ownership of their own behaviors and will have a benefit for achieving goals or objectives. This also gives the employee a  motivation to change positions and continue with a training program to enhance their own personal wealth within the organization. The employees will also feel more open in providing feedback to other employees, provide ideas and help to develop new employee’s skills as they learn the importance of enhancing their own skill set. Using a management by objective process will give the employees the objective to work toward, and will give the employee a standard of acceptable behaviors. Self-appraisals will be key in this realm, customer feedback, and continual monitoring will help to evaluate the performance of each individual. Immediate supervisors or managers will assist in the appraisal process, and you will be informed of the continual behavior of each employee on a regular basis. Customer feedback will be useful information as this will be one of the key elements in the appraisal as customer service is what will drive your business to the next level. Cascio, (2013). 2. Job analysis The skills necessary for the employee to have will be the basis of the job analysis. This is why it will be important to determine what skills are needed in this field. What measures will be used to evaluate each individual’s job or merit pay. We must define what job will require what skills and what will be the qualification for each position. By determining the job qualifications for each position will help in the selective process to find the right people for the right job. Mr. Stonefield, you will need to define the positions you will have within the organization by separating each skill set required and what each job title will need. This can be done with a job analysis; it should include the tasks required for each job by title. It will be necessary to determine what the limousine drivers will be expected to accomplish while transporting clients. The job can be also defined by how much lifting, long periods of downtime, ability to drive extended vehicles, and the skill set of the individual to navigate to different geographical areas within the region. The job must reflect the experience of the driver, their educational background, and what are their abilities or proven track records. 3. The organizational performance philosophy The rewards to excellence are the Landslide Limousine motto. The company  is committed to the best customer experience; this is measured by consistency, customer satisfaction, and continual development of the staff. 4. Measuring the employee’s abilities and continual skill enhancement Measuring employee skills is important to the performance of the individual; this provides continual feedback, coaching, and growth for the employee. The goals set for these individuals must be clear, concise, and obtainable, Cascio, (2013). Employees should have ongoing meetings with the management staff to reflect on achievements and goals set for future achievements. This setting should also encourage feedback from the employee; this will allow the employee to feel as though their suggestions count in the process of the growth of the organization. The objectives should have a clear vision of how each one will be achieved, using a graphic rating scale can assist in this process. The behavior anchored rating scale (BARS) can also help to analyze critical incidents and then compare these to the norm. Casico, (2013). 5. Addressing skill gaps within the organization A skills gap analysis identifies specific skills needed to complete any given task and then takes that information and compares it to the level of current requirements. This is completed by doing a skill assessment which will determine the skills needed for any of the particular jobs within the organization or job category (Cascio, 2013). Then by applying the assessment as a benchmark for the job you can develop a plan for the training process needed to assist the employees in their road to success. One must develop a list of skills per job and determine the knowledge needed for each role, and then once the skills are assessed and the training is planned out one must go through the skills needed to improve on these skills by reviewing with an appraisal review. According to (Lorri Freifield, 2014), transfer knowledge can assist in enhancing a technical talent through mentors helping employees to explore their best practices. 6. Delivering Performance through feedback Delivering performance is very important, I would suggest using a process of multi-rater or the 360-degree feedback. This uses observations from many aspects of a person in many roles. Cascio, (2013). The immediate supervisor or manager, co-worker and customers rate the employee through feedback form the performance of that individual that is observed. This will  assist with any self-evaluation error and the feedback from different areas will give a 360 view of the individual, this will assist in understanding how the employee is effective in their role. Observant views with others assist in keeping a fair and objective view of employees; this will also assist in continuing a fair and objective review process. Mr. Stonefield the performance management framework given outlines the steps necessary in reviewing standards of an individual and team by actual performance. When looking at the overall strategy of the company as a whole Landslide Limousine will need to minimize the turnover and enhance on the skill set to enhance the overall employee performance. It will be necessary to look into the best cost effective way to handle any performance management and by using the recommendations I have listed Landslide Limousine will be striving to the goal of being the best in the Austin Texas area. References Cascio, W. F. (2013). Managing Human Resources (9th ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw Hills Companies, Inc. Lorri Friefield. (2014). Training the Source for Professional Development Retrieved from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Economic Aspects of Global Warming and Climate Change

Economic Aspects of Global Warming and Climate Change Abstract The issue of global warming and climate change has proven to be one of the most controversial and difficult problems facing all the nations of the world.   Assessing the impact of climate change is extremely complex as it is very difficult to project the future and assess the hypothetical impact it will have on the world.   Additionally, it is unknown how technological progress will respond and potentially alter the effects of global warming.   This paper will focus on some impacts of global warming and climate changes on the global economy and review possible methods of mitigating the adverse effects. Introduction Climate change is one of the most challenging problems facing the world community.   According to NASA, global warming is a natural process.   A layer of greenhouse gases which include water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide acts as a thermal blanket for the Earth, absorbing heat and warming its surface to an average temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit which help sustain life (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2017).   Without this natural cover, the Earth’s surface would be colder than it is today, making the planet freezing and mostly likely uninhabitable. However, scientists are concerned that increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are causing an unprecedented rise in global temperatures, with potentially harmful consequences for the environment, human health and the economy.   We are adding to the natural greenhouse effect with emissions from industry and agriculture, trapping more energy and increasing the temperature. The possible causes of global warming are numerous.   But according to Environmental Protection Agency, the most concerning and alarming are manmade emissions of CO2 caused by burning fossil fuels and cutting down carbon-absorbing trees. Other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide are also released through human activities, but their presence is relatively small when compared to carbon dioxide.   According to a 2016 BBC article, the level and concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere is significantly higher than it was at the beginning of the industrial revolution which began in 1750 (What Is Climate Change?†, 2016). Climate change has a broader meaning as it not only refers to the increased temperature trends described by global warming, but also changes such as sea level rise; ice mass loss in Greenland, Antarctica, the Arctic and mountain glaciers worldwide; shifts in flower and plant blooming; and extreme weather events. Kenneth Green (2002) argues that human prosperity in many parts of the world, especially developing countries, heavily depends on climate. Agriculture, tourism, transportation, energy use, and many other activities that define our economies are largely influenced by climate.   Therefore, it is crucial to understand the effects of global warming in short and long run and perform the cost and benefit analysis to determine what policies and measures should be taken to mitigate and prevent the climate change and its various impacts. Climate change is a global issue, but the impacts are likely to differ in different continents, countries, and regions. Some nations will likely experience more adverse effects than others. Other nations may benefit from climate changes. The ability to adapt to climate change can influence how climate change affects individuals, communities, countries, and the global population. This paper will discuss the effects of global warming on the energy industry, agriculture and food supply, production output and inflation.   Next, it will focus on the cost benefit analysis of implementing the policies and procedures to mitigate and/or prevent global warming and climate change. Lastly, the paper will review the possible methods of reducing the effects of global warming and climate change and the mitigation policies to be implemented. Global Warming and Climate Change Economic Impact Climate Change Effect on Energy In my opinion, energy is the key industry that will be highly affected by global warming and climate change. The world’s production and use of energy is the primary cause of global warming.   Climate will affect energy consumption by changing consumers’ wants and needs in both the intensive (short) and extensive (long) terms. There are several ways in which climate may affect energy consumption. In the residential, commercial and industrial sectors in a warmer world higher cooling demand is expected, which would lead to increased electricity consumption. On the other hand, fewer cold winter days would result in decreased heating demand, which would decrease natural gas, oil and electricity demand. These are demand side effects.   On the supply side, one would expect increased use of natural gas on hot days, as some power plants become less efficient as well as higher natural gas consumption for generation due to higher electricity demand. During the winter, there might be a decrease in natural gas demand for generation due to lower electricity demand. According to a 2009 report on global climate change, the majority (87%) of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions are from the production and use of energy production.   The research was primarily on the energy usage in buildings concerning the various heating and cooling demands. The findings stated that, â€Å"the demand for cooling energy increases from 5 to 20 percent per 1.8 °F of warming, and the demand for heating energy drops by 3 to 15 percent per 1.8 °F of warming† (Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States Report, 2009).   Additionally, the 2009 report projects that global warming’s increasing temperatures will increase the peak demand for electricity as it is the main source used for the cooling of buildings.   This would result in a disproportionate increase in energy infrastructure investment and possible pollution as most of the nation’s electricity is currently produced from coal.   This would potentially increase the nation’s CO2 emissions and slow the development of alternative â€Å"green† energy sources (Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States Report, 2009). Climate Change Effect on Agriculture and Food Supply Since temperature and precipitation are direct inputs in agricultural production, this sector will experience significant effects as well.   Recent droughts worldwide have highlighted that the advances in modern farming techniques and technologies cannot insulate the world’s food production and supply.   In fact, rising CO2 concentrations could increase production of some crops, such as rice, soybean and wheat (Clark, 2012).   However, Clark (2012) also stated, â€Å"the changing climate would affect the length and quality of the growing season and farmers could experience increasing damage to their crops, caused by a rising intensity of extreme weather events such as droughts, flooding or fires†.   Furthermore, in many developing regions, agriculture is of major importance for national economies, as it represents the large share in gross domestic product (GDP).   Therefore, with prospects of continued global warming, the damages for poor regions could be substantial (Clark, 2012).   Climate change’s probable impact on agricultural production patterns and prices in these regions lower the profitability of agriculture industry and increase the share of consumers’ income spent on food.   This may lead to food shortages or insufficient access to food in some countries or regions. In addition to agriculture, the worlds fisheries which provide an important source of food for at least half the worlds population are very susceptible to climate change.   Fisheries are plagued by two problems, overexploitation and pollution.   Additionally, the various marine fish species are encountering their own problems due to climate change such warming surface waters, and rising sea levels due to melting ice.   Clark (2012) states, â€Å"some marine fish species are already adapting by migrating to the high latitudes, but others, such as Arctic and freshwater species, have nowhere to go†.   If we are unable to find sustainable solutions to help the fisheries and fish, we may end up with shortages of edible fish which will cause prices to soar. According to Schierhorn (2016), over the last century, the global population has quadrupled. In 1915, there were 1.8 billion people in the world. Today, according to the most recent estimate by the UN, there are 7.3 billion people and we may reach 8.5 billion by 2030 (UN projects world population to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, driven by growth in developing countries, 2015).   This population growth, along with rising incomes in developing countries, is increasing global food demand.   Schierhorn’s (2016) research shows that food demand is expected to increase anywhere between 59 to 98 percent by 2050.   Therefore, the world’s crop production will need to increase.   That means there needs to be an expanse of farmable land to grow crops, and current productivity needs expanded through the use of modern farming methods (Schierhorn, 2016). A recent EPA (2016) study concludes that â€Å"climate change is very likely to affect food security at the global, regional, and local level† and that â€Å"climate change can disrupt food availability, reduce access to food, and affect food quality†.   The study projects that changes in temperatures and precipitation patterns, along with extreme weather events may reduce agricultural productivity (Climate Impacts on Agriculture and Food Supply, 2016). The same study further suggests that â€Å"increases in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events can also interrupt food delivery, and resulting spikes in food prices after extreme events are expected to be more frequent in the future†.   Increasing temperatures can contribute to food spoilage and contamination (Climate Impacts on Agriculture and Food Supply, 2016). Furthermore, Clark (2012) argues that food production itself is a significant emitter of greenhouse gases, as well as a cause of environmental degradation in many parts of the world. Clark states agriculture contributes about 15% of all emissions, on a par with transport. He concludes that to limit the long-run impacts of climate change, food production must become not only more resilient to climate but also more sustainable and low-carbon itself (Clark, 2012). Climate Change Effect on Economy Growth According to a recent study by Wade (2017), climate change will most likely reduce the capital stock and productivity in the world economy. Global warming is expected to increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather events causing property and infrastructure loss. While the initial economic response to recover the damages may be positive for GDP while it is possible, in the long run the world economy will face an extreme challenge. The harm to economic output may become irreversible.   Wade (2017) argues that it will not be worth for businesses to replace their capital stock unless future damages could be prevented or the business could be relocated to the safer area.   This could cause a short period of disruption as businesses relocate, or in the worst case scenario, a permanent loss of capital stock and output.   As the temperatures continue to rise, the damages will increase and become permanent (Wade, 2017). Wade (2017) represents the likely effect of climate change on output in production function in Figure 1 (See Appendices).   If there is less capital stock available due to the damage resulted from climate change, the productive capacity of the world economy will fall.   It is represented by the downward shift in the world production function as each unit of labor produces less output (Wade, 2017). However, lower labor productivity may occur not only due to a lower level of capital stock.   Global warming may affect food safety, promote the spread of infections, cause social unrest and thus reduce availability of labor. Wade (2017) shows this effect as a supply shock in a supply and demand graph (Figure 2, Appendices).   Global warming is likely to contract supply at any given price and result in a backward shift of the supply curve (from S1 to S2) (Wade, 2017). As the graph demonstrates, this will result in a lower level of output (Y2) and a higher price (P2). This analysis is based on the assumption that the world will not respond to climate change and no prevention or mitigation measures are taken. Climate Change Effect on Inflation Wade (2017) also proves that as global production output is reduced, an increase in the general price level will occur as a result of global warming. As discussed earlier, higher food prices will affect consumers’ income and overall food price inflation will rise.   Furthermore, reduced land availability may also contribute to rising inflation. Per Wade (2017) the surge in global temperatures may eventually cause some areas of the world to become uninhabitable and cause mass migration. Along with the political and socioeconomic implications of the migration there will be higher demand for decreasing amount of land.   Higher energy costs are also likely to boost inflation. As discussed earlier, as our climate becomes more extreme the demand for energy used for cooling will likely to rise.   As the energy demand will rise, the supply will shrink as the efficiency of existing power stations is compromised due to higher temperatures (Wade, 2017).   Policy actions by governments to transition to green energy may further contribute to inflation in the short-run when taxes are placed on fossil fuel electricity. Since energy is the basis of most of the world’s production, the effects of higher energy prices on inflation will impact the global economy (Wade, K. 2017). Cost-Benefit Analysis According to Mendelsohn (2013), â€Å"the biggest threat climate change poses to economic growth is from immediate, aggressive and inefficient mitigation policies†. Thomas C. Shelling believes that climate change is the global public good, because each country’s emissions of greenhouse gases contribute cumulatively to the increase of the overall concentration, and each country’s abatements entail higher cost than benefit, unless effective concerted collective actions take place (Stiglitz & Shelling, 2012).   Therefore, benefit-cost analysis is a principal tool for deciding if this public good should be altered through mitigation policy. There are many conflicting views regarding the true dimensions of climate change problem and a lot of various policy assessment models. The most famous are DICE model created by William Nordhaus and the Stern Review prepared by Sir Nicholas Stern for the British government in 2006.   The modeling approach by Nordhaus views climate change as a matter of investment efficiency and assumes that climate change policies will compete with other investments such as public health and education.   This model provides estimates of the appropriate price path on carbon emissions, with prices starting relatively low and gradually rising as a result of discounting. (William D. Nordhaus and Joseph Boyer, 2000) The Stern Review, in contrast to Nordhaus’ model, recommended strong and immediate action on climate change.   Stern (2006) found that the costs associated with uncontrolled global warming would be up to a 20 percent drop per year in the world’s GDP by 2050. The Stern Review incorporated new scientific evidence suggesting that the climate system may be more sensitive than previously thought.   Also, it supported the application of much lower discount rates. (Stern, 2006). Therefore, two aspects of the benefit-cost calculation are critical. One is allowance for uncertainty as the possible outcomes of global warming in the absence of mitigation are very unclear.   The other critical aspect is the choice of discount rate as most of the climate-related benefits from current policy efforts would take the form of avoided damages in the long run with many of the costs incurred in the short run. Stiglitz & Shelling (2012) suggest a number of behavioral changes to mitigate the problem of global warming such as shifting to fuels with higher ratio of useful energy to CO2 emissions (from coal to oil, from oil to natural gas); developing technologies that use less energy per unit output; shifting demand to products with lower energy intensity; planting trees and reducing deforestation; pursuing policy of sequestering the CO2 by pumping it directly into underground reservoirs. The process of mitigation will require a temporary economic transition from consumption to investment, provided that the transitional costs are small relative to the cost of inaction (Wade, 2017).   However, as the costs of mitigation rise, budget limitations will become increasingly important. Possible Mitigation Measures Despite the disagreements between nations, in recent years we have witnessed the gradual emergence of a range of international and domestic climate change policies, including emissions trading programs, emissions taxes, performance standards, and technology-promoting programs (Goulder & Pizer, 2006).   At the Paris climate conference (COP21) in December 2015, 195 countries adopted the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate agreement that outlined a global action plan to put the world on track to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2 °C. Therefore, there is now an agreement among climate economists to consider climate change as a global externality that must be compensated for to recover economic optimality. Hence, basic public economics wisdom requires some mitigation eï ¬â‚¬orts (IPCC, 2007). The issue gets controversial however when we try to answer the â€Å"when† and â€Å"how much† questions. One approach that has become widely used is cap and trade. The U.S. Clean Air Act of 1990 established emission levels (caps) and permitted companies with emissions below the cap to sell (trade) their rights to remaining permissible amount to firms that have exceeded the cap. Over time, the government would reduce the cap, thus overall emissions would be gradually reduced. This approach gives companies flexibility. It increases the pool of available capital to make reductions, encourages companies to cut pollution faster and rewards innovation. But the critics pointed out that it allows richer companies to pollute more as they are able to buy those rights.   Another type of emissions control is establishment of emissions charges or fees. Each business would be charged accordingly for the amount of emissions produced. It would become very expensive for the companies to pollute and will create incentive for them to clean up. In recent years governments also experimented with various green taxes and eco-taxes that levy a fee on environmentally damaging behavior. Beside the punishment, governments also offer positive incentives for the companies that improve their environmental behavior. For example, the government may decide to purchase only from those firms that meet certain pollution standard or to offer financial aid to those that install pollution control equipment. Tax incentives such as faster depreciation for pollution control equipment may also be used. Overall, the trend has been for governments to use more flexible, market oriented approaches such as tradeable allowances, pollution fees and taxes, and incentives, to achieve the goals of protecting the environment and mitigating climate change. (Lawrence & Weber, 2017) Many challenges remain though. 2 °C stabilization goal set at the Paris Climate Conference     requires decarbonization of the world economy. Carbon pricing would be a necessary tool in reaching that goal. The advantages of carbon pricing would be the following: it would trigger economy-wide decarbonization in a cost efficient manner, generate revenues that can be used for financing the sustainable development goals and become a focal point for international climate policy cooperation focusing on carbon pricing coordination. For many policy issues, there is an important and clear distinction between the short-run and the long-run responses by businesses and individuals. The short run is a period when businesses and individuals are locked in to some past decisions and have fixed costs that they are not able to avoid. But over a period of time, they might respond by making gradual adjustments in their behaviors and choices. They are more responsive in the long run than in the short run because they have more time and opportunities to respond to a change in price. As we know, supply and demand are generally more elastic in the long run. We can use the example of a gas tax that was introduced as a tool to reduce pollution. If we look only at the short-run elasticity of demand, we might come to conclusion that a gas tax will have little effect on driving since demand is inelastic. However, if we had an estimate of the long-run elasticity of demand, we might see that the demand curve is flatter. As recent studies how, the effectiveness of many market-based environmental policies depend on the responsiveness of businesses and individuals to a change in incentives, economists and policymakers should keep in mind the difference between short-run responses and long-run responses (Global Warming Causes, 2017). Summary The overall effect of climate change on economic growth will most likely be negative in the long run. Although there will be winners and losers from climate change at different levels of warming, the impact of climate change will be widespread due to the financial, political and economic integration of the worlds economies. Global warming will primarily influence economic growth through damage to property and infrastructure, lost productivity, mass migration, security threats. The issue of global warming and climate change invokes the highest form of global citizenship. The nations have to be willing to sacrifice hundreds of billions of dollars of present consumption in an effort that will largely benefit people in other countries, considering that the benefit that will not be instant. Moreover, the threat of climate change is uncertain and based on modeling rather than direct observation. In considering climate change policies, the fundamental trade-off that society faces is between consumption today and consumption in the future. By taking measures to slow emissions of greenhouse gases now, the economy reduces the amount of output that can be devoted to consumption and productive investment. This is the opportunity cost of the investment into mitigating global warming. However, the return for this investment is lower damages and higher consumption in the future. The climate investments involve reducing fossil-fuel consumption and moving to low-carbon fuels.   In return, the impacts on energy, agriculture, economic growth and inflation as well as the potential for catastrophic climate change will be reduced. Appendices Figure 1: Global Production Function (Wade, K., 2017) Figure 2: Supply and Demand (Wade, K., 2017) References Carbon Pricing for Climate Change Mitigation and Financing the SDGs. (n.d.). Retrieved April 01, 2017, from Clark, D. (2012, September 19). How will climate change affect food production? Retrieved April 16, 2017, from Climate Change Indicators in the United States. (2016, December 19). Retrieved April 16, 2017, from Green, K. P. (2002). Global warming: understanding the debate. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow. Mendelsohn (2013).   Climate Change and Economic Growth, Commission on Growth and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Development, Working paper no.60 Global warming / opposing viewpoints. (2002). San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. Global Warming Causes. RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2017. Retrieved April 16, 2017, from Lawrence H. Goulder and William A. Pizer (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2017, from National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2017, from Schierhorn, M. E. (2016, April 07). Global Demand for Food Is Rising. Can We Meet It? Retrieved April 16, 2017, from Stern (2006). Stern Review on The Economics of Climate Change (pre-publication edition).  Executive Summary, HM Treasury, London. Archived from the original on 31 January 2010) Stiglitz, J. E., & Shelling, T. C. (2012). The economists voice: top economists take on todays problems. New York: Columbia Univ. Press. Wade, K. (n.d.). Climate change & the global economy: Growth and inflation. Retrieved April 16, 2017, from What is climate change? (2016, November 14). Retrieved April 23, 2017, from William D. Nordhaus and Joseph Boyer, Warming the World: Economic Models of Global Warming. MIT Press, Cambridge Mass., 2000. ISBN 0 262 14071 3. UN projects world population to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, driven by growth in developing countries. (2015, July 29). Retrieved April 23, 2017, from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Communication and Culture Essay -- Philosophy, Taoism

Scholars from the indigenous psychology and philosophy field noted that explanations of the differences between the East and West, such as individualism/collectivism, have relied most exclusively on theoretical constructs generated in Western cultural contexts (Cheng, 1987; Cushman & Kincaid, 1987; Peng, Spencer-Rodgers, & Nian, 2006). Peng and his colleagues argued that indigenous concepts need to be introduced into the mainstream study, and the cultural differences between Western and Eastern people in the domains of thinking and reasoning can be attributed to differences between Western and Eastern folk epistemologies (Peng et al., 2006). Moreover, communication theory can be explored from both Western and Eastern perspectives by bringing in philosophical thoughts (Cushman & Kincaid, 1987). With its rich background and insights into human nature and human understanding, philosophy can make contributions to contemporary communication theory by recognizing the crucial nece ssity of the human context for communication (Cushman & Kincaid, 1987). Cheng (1987) noted that by bringing in philosophical perspective, the way of communication can be understood in a much broader sense. For instance, when comparing the differences between the West and China, scholars pointed out that while Chinese thinking and reasoning are mainly guided by folk version of Taoism and Ch’an Buddhism, Western thinking and reasoning are mostly Aristotelian in spirit (Cheng, 1987; Peng et al., 2006). The theoretical foundation of Taoism belief is the idea that two opposites are mutually dependent on each other (Peng et al., 2006). This mutual dependence can be found between form and substance, between knowledge and action, and between symbol and e... ...ive emphasizes selflessness and submission to central authority as the institutional means for achieving unity and harmony between man, and nature and this is the principle goal for communication. In contrast, the Western perspective emphasizes self-cultivation and the subjugation of human and natural resources to individual control as the central means for achieving individual and group goal attainment. According to the Eastern perspective, an individual's participation in a collective institutional structure motivates human action and human communication, therefore, serves for the need of participation (Cushman & Kincaid, 2006). According the Western perspective, an individual's desire for political, social, and economic self-realization actuates human action and human communication, therefore, serves for the need of self-realization (Cushman & Kincaid, 2006).

lion king the musical Essay -- essays research papers

Lion King: The Musical   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The original Disney cartoon of a lion cub blamed for his father’s death has been remade into a Broadway musical acclaimed all over the world. Seen by over twenty five million people in over 15 thousand performances this intricately designed wonder has taken over 37 thousand hours just to build the puppets and masks. Julie Taymor the director and costume designer was faced with a problem of whether to create humans or animals playing the part and she decided to make masks that show the animal face, as well as, show the human face giving the character his or her personality. As for expressing other animals that are not part of the main cast or to express a certain theme, 2 different kinds of puppetry were used to express an African theme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Masks are considered â€Å"functional works of art† and play a social purpose in Africa. They are used in storytelling and ceremonies and are made to be worn over the head rather than cover the face. This technique is also used in The Lion King so that the human facial expression is not lost and to support the beadwork, corsets and armor used to show the human qualities of a lion. The costumes on the other hand are made of silk cloth to hide the human form, break the shoulder line and to enhance the powerful joints and thighs. The masks are made in such a way that the actor can control the facial expression of the mask through cables ... lion king the musical Essay -- essays research papers Lion King: The Musical   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The original Disney cartoon of a lion cub blamed for his father’s death has been remade into a Broadway musical acclaimed all over the world. Seen by over twenty five million people in over 15 thousand performances this intricately designed wonder has taken over 37 thousand hours just to build the puppets and masks. Julie Taymor the director and costume designer was faced with a problem of whether to create humans or animals playing the part and she decided to make masks that show the animal face, as well as, show the human face giving the character his or her personality. As for expressing other animals that are not part of the main cast or to express a certain theme, 2 different kinds of puppetry were used to express an African theme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Masks are considered â€Å"functional works of art† and play a social purpose in Africa. They are used in storytelling and ceremonies and are made to be worn over the head rather than cover the face. This technique is also used in The Lion King so that the human facial expression is not lost and to support the beadwork, corsets and armor used to show the human qualities of a lion. The costumes on the other hand are made of silk cloth to hide the human form, break the shoulder line and to enhance the powerful joints and thighs. The masks are made in such a way that the actor can control the facial expression of the mask through cables ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

George Balanchine Essay -- Choreographer Art Ballet Essays

George Balanchine If composers are the masters of time, then the choreographer George Balanchine is the master of visual realization of that time in human terms. A master in both the kinesthetic and musical frames of creativity, he did not devote his energies to music visualization by assigning a certain number of dancers to represent strings, others the brass, and still others woodwinds or percussion but by creating a visual analogy in space that restates the musical structure with the trained dancer's body. He claimed that "Ballet... should not be an illustrator of even...the most substantive of literary sources. It will speak for itself. The ballet is flowers, beauty, poetry...I am, if you please, an advocate of pure art." Balanchine's most intense desire was "to make audiences see music and hear dancing." Georgi Melitonovitch Balanchivadze was born the second of three children to Meliton Balanchivadze and his wife Marie on January 22,1904 in the village of Banodzha in western Georgia. His older sister was named Tamara and his younger brother, Andrei. Georgi was a very reserved child and never showed his emotions. When he was punished he would hide, afraid someone would see him crying. When translated, balanchivadze means "jester's son", which always amused Balanchine because his father was a singer and composer, and his mother was a pianist who encouraged the musical development of her children. When Meliton was home from his many tours and study trips he would teach the children to sing, and all three of them took piano lessons. At parties Andrei and Tamara would often dance for the guests but Georgi refused because he hated anything to do with dance and performance. When she reached the official age for admitt... ... companies perform at least one Balanchine work. Upon his death, it was written in the New York Review of Books that "George Balanchine liked to say, quoting Mayakovsky, 'I am not a man, but a cloud in trousers.' And now that luminous cloud has floated off, leaving us with a loss far deeper than the grave." Works Cited: A Ballet Society Book. Portraits of Mr. B: Photographs of George Balanchine. New York: The Viking Press, 1984. Buckle, Richard. George Balanchine: Ballet Master. New York: Random House, 1988. Flatow, Sheryl. "The Balanchine Trust: Guardian of the Legacy". Dance Magazine. December 1990, p 58-61. McDonagh, Don. George Balanchine. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1983. Reynolds, Nancy. "Balanchine in the USSR: Cultural Revelation". Dance Magazine. January 1994, p 88-90. Taper, Bernard. Balanchine: A Biography. New York: Times Books, 1984.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Are Vision & Mission Statements Used to Set the Strategic Direction?

Best Examples of a Vision Statement A vision statement for a company or organization focuses on the potential inherent in the company's future, or what they intend to be. While a vision statement might contain references to how the company intends to make that future into a reality, the â€Å"how† is really part of a â€Å"mission† statement, while the vision statement is simply a description of the â€Å"what,† meaning, what the company intends to become. Ads by Google Trading Stocks Online ? Find why many prefer to Trade Forex High Leverage,1/1Training & support www. iforex. h Vision Statements: Reviews and Ideas To find the best examples of vision statements, consider these statements made by some of the world's most innovative and successful companies: Online Retailer â€Å"We intend to provide our customers with the best online shopping experience from beginning to end, with a smart, searchable website, easy-to-follow instructions, clear and secure payment methods, and fast, quality delivery. † From this statement example, you can clearly tell that this company is an online retailer. You can also tell they have put thought into the statement by making a list of goals.They don't simply say that they want to be â€Å"the best† online shopping site – they give a list of ways in which they intend to do that. This is a quality vision statement because it outlines the specific future they intend to create for themselves, but it doesn't give specific steps on how they will do it (better saved for a mission statement). Hair Salon â€Å"Our salon will change the way you think about a haircut. Full service comfort, friendly staff, a relaxing atmosphere, and the best prices in town give you an experience that will leave you glowing both inside and out. Once again, it's clear from this vision statement what type of business is behind it. It's also a good, clear list of goals, without being too specific. It paints an overall p icture of a pleasant, successful business that the company hopes to become, and since the vision statement isn't just a vision of your future – it's also a vision you're presenting to your customers about who you are – it's important that it do just that. Apple Computer â€Å"We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products and that's not changing. We are constantly focusing on innovating. We believe in the simple not the complex.We believe that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products that we make, and participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution. We believe in saying no to thousands of projects, so that we can really focus on the few that are truly important and meaningful to us. We believe in deep collaboration and cross-pollination of our groups, which allow us to innovate in a way that others cannot. And frankly, we don't settle for anything less than excellence in every group in the company, and we have the self-honesty to admit when we're wrong and the courage to change.And I think regardless of who is in what job those values are so embedded in this company that Apple will do extremely well. â€Å"- Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Computer (Quoted on CNN Money. com). PepsiCo â€Å"PepsiCo's responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate – environment, social, economic – creating a better tomorrow than today. Our vision is put into action through programs and a focus on environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society, and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company. (Quoted from Pepsi Co. com. ) Amazon â€Å"Our [Amazon's] vision is to be earth's most customer centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online. † (Quoted from Amazon. com) Short Vision Statements Sometimes a vision statement ca n be summarized in one sentence. Examples include: †¢To help people be healthy, †¢To have our product in every home in the United States, †¢To help people enjoy life, or offer an affordable solution to health care. Local companies might aspire to be the best company in the town or to offer ocally grown produce. A restaurant may have this vision statement: To offer fresh and delicious food to our customers along with a fun-filled dining experience. Long Vision Statements Vision statements may also be longer as well. Some examples include: †¢As we move towards our goal of being a world-class university, we will support research on a global scale. Locally, our campus will service the research needs of the learning community, granting access to many informational resources. †¢The XYZ Company will inspire its employees to be the best they can be.We will engage in sustainable practices and anticipate the needs of our customers. We will maximize return to the stock holders while still maintaining quality in our products. †¢Our vision is to bring our students into the 21st century through innovation and modern technology. Learning will be enhanced with computer software and educational games that will allow students to proceed at their own rate according to their ability. In each of these examples, the vision statement helps to define goals, creating something to work towards in the future.Ads by Google Best Vision Correction LASIK, LASEK, Laser eye surgery. Find best deal in Korea through KMH kmhglobal. com Cars For Sale Philippines Brand New & Used Cars For Sale At Sulit Cars Buy And Sell Philippines Cars. Sulit. com. ph Writing a Good Vision Statement Looking at these vision statement examples should give you a good jumping off point for knowing what a vision statement is and how to write one. Vision statements are a challenge for many people because they aren't sure what form the statement is supposed to take. A typical corporate or co mpany vision statement will be brief and succinct; it will say a lot in just a few words, so those words must be very carefully chosen. †¢The key to a good vision statement is to think of things in a long-term, broad sense, without sounding generic. †¢If you're too specific, you will limit your vision and it won't be applicable ten years down the road: for example, if your current goal for your business is to move into a larger building, that's a vision for the future but it's not the vision for the future of your entire business. It's too narrow in focus. On the other hand, if you say that you want to achieve success – well, any business in the world could say that. It's too generic. The best statement will be clear about who you are as a company as well as who you wish to become. Writing a good vision statement isn't difficult. Think about what your business does and what, in an ideal world, you would like it to do and how you would like to appear to the outside w orld. Consider the services and attributes that your company provides, then imagine how it would be if you provided the very best version of them possible.List those visions, and incorporate them into a brief statement that gives a good overview of the kind of image you want to represent. Understanding your goals and being able to state them clearly is the first step toward making them happen. =————– †¢PRESENTATION By Mirabel †¢2. DEVELOPMENT OF MISSION & VISION STATEMENT . FOR THE TRAMPORL GROUP. [Sandwich Makers] TASK 2 †¢3. MISSION STATEMENT. To be recognised as a leading distinctive brand of fresh, homemade, quality sandwich makers; Offered to customers at the most reasonable, affordable price; For a healthier, refreshing, filling and totally satisfying meal .MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 †¢4. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE MISSION STATEMENT. 1. Identified the company’s winning idea: – Providing FRESH & HEALTHY pro ducts. 2. Identified the key measures of success:- Affordable & reasonable price, best quality, for a good quantity, delivered to the customer. 3. Combined the winning idea and success measures into a measurable goal:- Total satisfaction derived by the customer. MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 A mission statement describes the basic overall purpose and function of the organisation. †¢5. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE MISSION STATEMENT. (contd†¦.. ) 4.Finally, I refined the words until I came up with a concise and precise statement of Tramporl’s mission which expresses our ideas, measures and desired result. Hence, our MISSION STATEMENT : MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 †¢6. MISSION STATEMENT. â€Å" To be recognised as a leading distinctive brand of fresh, homemade, quality sandwich makers; Offered to customers at the most reasonable, affordable price; For a healthier, refreshing, filling and totally satisfying meal . † MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 †¢7. VISION S TATEMENT. We at Tramporl take cautious steps to ensure that all our sandwiches reach our customers in the utmost best and fresh condition.Delivered straight to you to foster a healthy, wholesome, nourishing and flourishing lifestyle. Absolutely affordable to all to generate the optimum value. MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 †¢8. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE VISION STATEMENT. MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 After identifying the company’s mission, uncover the real human value in that mission. Nutritional value for the health conscious consumer. Homemade, prepared under the right food & health policies to ensure freshness. (right temperatures, proper hand washing and glove-use procedures etc. ). 2.Identified what the company, it’s customers and A vision statement is a vivid idealised description of a desired outcome that inspires, energizes and helps you create a mental picture of your target. †¢9. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE VISION STATEMENT . (contd)†¦ other st akeholder will value most about how the company will achieve this mission. Customer : Healthy, nourishing & wholesome lifestyle. Filling meal. Commitment to improving health Employees : Teamwork, Diversity, commitment to employee happiness and well-being, Trust and respect. Shareholders : optimising profits & minimising our cost. (optimum value for all).MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 †¢10. TECHNIQUE USED TO DEVELOP THE VISION STATEMENT . (contd)†¦ Government : adhering to the policy and legislative processes in the food industry in operation in the UK, EU and internationally. Community/Society : Tackling the social issue of obesity by helping to bring about lasting improvements to the nation’s nutrition and health. Hence a call for a change towards healthier habits in the food service companies. 3. Combining the mission and values I polished the words until I came up with a vision statement inspiring enough to energise and motivate people inside and outside the company. Hence, our VISION STATEMENT; MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 †¢11. VISION STATEMENT. â€Å" We at Tramporl take cautious steps to ensure that all our sandwiches reach our customers in the utmost best and fresh condition. Delivered straight to you to foster a healthy, wholesome, nourishing and flourishing lifestyle. Absolutely affordable to all to generate the optimum value. † MIRABEL TETTEH 3230 UNIT 4 Our vision Our vision is what we want to be and how we want to be perceived. It is what we aspire to. It inspires and motivates us. We make sustainable food production possible.Our mission Our mission is our reason for being, what we do on a daily basis to fulfil our vision. †¢We team up with customers. †¢From our leading position in dairy farming we innovate and expand in new segments and new geographies. †¢We provide integrated solutions and ensure that everywhere we do business, we lead. †¢We exist for the customer around the clock. Our core values Our co re values help us make the right decisions and guide our daily working behaviour. Passion †¢We share a passion for delivering customer value. †¢We are proud of our heritage and our success. From our leading position in dairy farming, we expand our business with passion. †¢This passion distinguishes us from other companies People †¢We have the ability and are trusted to make decisions within our area of responsibility. †¢We build our success on competence and constantly invest in personal development. †¢We share our knowledge, support each other and enjoy being part of a team. †¢We encourage diversity and appreciate the creativity that comes from a mix of cultures, gender, sexual orientation, religions, experiences and personalities. †¢We are part of a global network.Professionals †¢We deliver quality in everything we do. †¢We have clear responsibilities and fulfil our commitments. †¢We listen, learn, innovate and constantly impr ove. †¢We are proud of who we are and humbly reflect this through our attitude and behaviour. †¢We stay true to our values. Partnerships †¢Our customers, their needs and expectations, are the starting point for everything we do. †¢Our dealers are business partners with whom we jointly deliver customer values. †¢DeLaval employees, our dealers and customers partner for long-term business results.Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Mission Statement – 12 Values & Principles for Success Mission Statement, Headquarters and History of Baskin-Robbins and Dunkin’ Brands The Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream mission statement is comprised of 12 Values and Principles for Success fashioned by its parent company, Dunkin’ Brands. (See the Baskin-Robbins and Dunkin’ Brands Values & Principles below. ) 6 of 138 PreviousNext Ad Manila | Virtual OfficesRegus. com. ph/Manila_Virtual_OfficesPrime Address & Mail Forwarding. Cost Effective to Start up. 50% OFF Getty Imag e Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Stores Founders Facts and Trivia:Baskin-Robbins was founded by brothers-in-law Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins, who each started their own ice cream shops, and then merged them together to create the Baskin-Robbins concept. Irv’s ice cream store was Snowbird Ice Cream, which he opened in Glendale, California in 1945, featuring 21 different ice cream flavors. Burt’s ice cream shop was called Burton’s Ice Cream Shop, and the first one opened in Pasadena, California in 1946. In 1953 more than 40 Burton’s and Snowbird Ice Cream shops were rebranded as Baskin-Robbins 31 Ice Cream, with â€Å"31† representing a different flavor for every day of the month.Baskin-Robbins was acquired by London-based J. Lyons & Col, and is now part of the Dunkin’ Brands group along with the Dunkin’ Donuts chain. Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Chain Headquarters: The corporate headquarters of Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream are located with the headqu arters of the Dunkin’ Brands group in Canton, Massachusetts. The Mission Statement of Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream and Dunkin’ Brands: Since 100% of the more than 6,000 Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream stores in 50 countries are franchise-owned, each Baskin-Robbins franchise owner could have their own mission statement.But as the parent company of Baskin-Robbins, Dunkin’ Brands has 12 Values and Principles that the company believes should guide the decisions of everyone associated with Baskin-Robbins retail outlets, leading Baskin-Robbins franchisees toward success. The Dunkin’ Brands Values and Guiding Principles are: †Our Values †¢Honesty – Embrace the truth about oneself and the world. †¢Transparency – Demonstrate openness and vulnerability. †¢Humility – Acknowledge own mistakes and commit to learning. †¢Integrity – Say what you think and do what you say. †¢Respectfulness – Honor the dignity, inclus ion, and diversity of others. Fairness – Do what is right based on common principles. †¢Responsibility – Make yourself accountable to the community. Our Guiding Principles †¢Leadership – Responsibility with passion at every level. †¢Innovation – Excellence in everything we do. †¢Execution – Ownership and accountability for results, success and failure. †¢Social Stewardship – Demonstration of good corporate citizenship and responsibility to all constituencies. †¢Fun – Approach every challenge with enthusiasm, energy and excitement†¦ celebrate every step of the way! † More About U. S.Company Mission Statements, History, and Headquarters: Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Founders Facts and Trivia: The first Ben and Jerry's ice cream store was opened on May 5, 1978 in Burlington, Vermont after Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield completed a correspondence course on ice cream making from the Pennsylvania State University Creamery. Ben and Jerry were born four days apart, and met in junior high school. The first Benn and Jerry's ice cream flavors included Dastardly Mash, Heath Bar Crunch, Chunky Monkey, Tuskegee Chunk, and Cherry Garcia. Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Headquarters:The headquarters of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream is located where the company first began in Burlington, Vermont. The Mission Statement of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream: The mission of Ben and Jerry's is really about contributing to making a positive change in the world. To do that, Ben and Jerry's has three missions that the company strives to integrate into its daily business operations†¦ â€Å"Ben and Jerry's Social Mission To operate the Company in a way that actively recognizes the central role that business plays in society by initiating innovative ways to improve the quality of life locally, nationally, and internationally.Ben and Jerry's Product Mission To make, distribute and sell the finest quality all natura l ice cream and euphoric concoctions with a continued commitment to incorporating wholesome, natural ingredients and promoting business practices that respect the Earth and the Environment. Ben and Jerry's Economic Mission To operate the Company on a sustainable financial basis of profitable growth, increasing value for our stakeholders and expanding opportunities for development and career growth for our employees. â€Å"

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Investigating the Acceleration of Connected Particles Essay

AimThe aim of this try step to the fore is to investigate the motion of a aerial tramway on a plane and study the results with a numeral regulate.Models Assumptions* No Friction When creating the numerical model I am red to strickle that there is no grinding performing upon the aerial tramway. This is due to the fact that the cable tramway pass on be take placening upon a silent plane, which offers no resistance. The trolley is also constructed upon wheels, which minimises the affects of corrasion between wheel and surface if any. what is more the wrap up used for the trolley is specifically chassised for the trolley, therefore reducing friction even more.* Smooth Pulley The stop everyplace which the weights pulling the trolley entrust be passing through, testament be even-tempered. This is for the reasons that the most costly and stillest pulley visible(prenominal) to me impart be used. Therefore this should non also provide any resistance, which whitetho rn impede the flow of motion.* Inextensible puff The guide, which leave behind be attached to the trolley to accelerate it, entrust be inextensible, i.e. the absorb used will non be elastic.* Flat Surface The plane over which the trolley is loss to be run must(prenominal) be flat, i.e. it must non be slanting up or stamp emerge or to a side, or else staidness will also be playing a major destiny in the acceleration or retardent of the trolley. To ensure the track is flat I placed a ping-pong thud on the track. If the ball rolled up, buck or to a side indeed I would know that the track is not flat and would adjust it in concurrence with the motion of the ping-pong ball.* String not at an angle The string outpouring off the trolley should be reduplicate to the track. This is due to the fact that a non-parallel string would be pulling the trolley down as well as forwards. personnel department Forwards = ? romaine ?Pulling crop up = ? Cos ?* No Swaying In the mathematical model I am way out to assume that the falling mess does not sway. This uses the same concept as the catch not being parallel to the trolley. If the dope sways, the falling mass is not utilize its full potential.Pulling Down = mPulling Sideways = m Cos ?* Negligible Air-Resistance This is due to the unique look of the trolley low frame, compact design and no extended parts or objects disrupting the aero-dynamics.ConductTo mimic the real bio interprety situation of the motion of a trolley on a plane I am going to use a trolley of mass ranging from 498g to 1498g, which will be run upon a set of smooth tracks. To accelerate the trolley a flatboat inextensible string will be attached to the trolley, which will then be run over a smooth pulley. At this end of the string battalion ranging from 20g 80g will be attached which will accelerate the trolley. The mass of the trolley will also be changed. The length of the track will always be unplowed at 1 one thousand a nd the era taken for the trolley to travel the metre will be recorded. While conducting the experiment I realised that clamp retention the pulley covered 1cm of the track. Therefore when carrying out the experiment I released the trolley from 1.1m on the track, giving the trolley its 1m pass over to run.AccuracyTo ensure accurate and era-tested results a set of primed(p) rules must be followed. The length of the track will always be kept to 1 metre. Also three separate readings will be recorded when measuring the time taken for the trolley to travel the fixed metre. Furthermore I am going to ensure that the track is flat, i.e. it is not slanted up, down or to a side, else gravity will also be acting upon the car.Mathematical ModelTo create the mathematical model I am going to use Newtons mho law, which states, The change in motion is proportionate to the force. For objects with constant mass, as is the gaucherie with this experiment, this can be interpreted, as the force is proportional to the acceleration.Resultant force = mass * accelerationThis is written F = maThe resultant force and the acceleration atomic number 18 always in the same direction.If I use the equation of Newtons second law F = ma and transpose it into the form y = mx + c where the gradient of the graph is gravity.F = mamg T = ma T = Ma (Substitute into mg T = ma)mg Ma = mamg = ma + Mamg = a (m+M)a = g (m/m+M)a = g (m/m+M) + 0y = m x + cThis graph should pass through the points (0,0).To work out acceleration for the mathematical model utilise the above formula. stool of trolley (M) = 498g hand of weight (m) = 20gDistance = 1ma = g (m/m+M) + 0a = 9.81 (20/20+498)a = 0.38 ms-2All the accelerations have been worked utilise the above technique and have been presented in the table of results below.Mass of Trolley (g)Mass of weight (g)Distance (m)Acceleration (ms-2)